To My Beautiful Daughter, the first time we held you, we knew you are amazing

To My Beautiful Daughter, the first time we held you, we knew you are amazing

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To My Daughter - believe in yourself, let your voice be heard, do not be scared to be different

To My Daughter - believe in yourself, let your voice be heard, do not be scared to be different

Regular price $29.90
Sale price $29.90 Regular price $49.97
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To My Beautiful Daughter, the biggest adventure a person can take is to listen to their heart and follow their dreams
To My Daughter - yesterday your were a baby, today you become strong kind thoughtful caring and optimistic

To My Daughter - yesterday your were a baby, today you become strong kind thoughtful caring and optimistic

Regular price $29.90
Sale price $29.90 Regular price $49.97
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To My Daughter -- you know who you are, what you are worth, you are wise well beyond your years

To My Daughter -- you know who you are, what you are worth, you are wise well beyond your years

Regular price $29.90
Sale price $29.90 Regular price $49.97
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To My Daughter --  Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself, you are capable of handling anything that comes your way
To My Precious Daughter -  I gave birth to you but you came with no instructions, I made some mistakes but I was doing the best I could, everything I did for you I did from love
To My Precious Daughter -- faith makes all things possible when you doubt the world around you, love makes all things beautiful to fill your life with joy
To My Daughter - a precious little girl to a spectacular young woman,  an inner light grown brighter as you grown, I am in awe and so proud of you
To My Daughter - on the toughest day, be kind to yourself, when things do not go as planned know that always and forever you are loved, you are enough and everything is in GODs hands
To My Amazing Daughter -  to achieve the impossible you must believe its is possible, I am impressed by your strengths your talents  and your intellect
To My Daughter - being your mother is and will always be job number one, I share all your memories your ups and downs your joys and happiness
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